Oil Clean up and bioremediation

Oil Clean up and bioremediation

Our new technology creates a safer, more effective, cheaper way of oil clean-up

It is important to understand the difference between our technology and the currently used and promoted technologies in the oil clean-up and remediation industry. Our technology is a revolutionary, concept because it creates a third category, the biodegradative remediation without adding any harmful chemical agents, that are nitrogen, phosphorous, fertilizer. Clicking on the picture on the left, you can see the current statement on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website that is listing the two methods and options of the clean-up.

Both of them require the application of harmful chemical agents, which usually causes an additional problem in the environment. We can see this effect clearly in 
this short video, that was taken in Mauritius last year. The clean-up process was secretive, no one knows what were the agents they applied, but for us it is clear, they applied microorganisms together with nitrogen and phosphorous. The growth of microorganisms boosted by the applied fertilizer, and the microbes found a food source in the hydrocarbons, this is the way how its mechanism of action works.

The problem is, this process does not bring 100% result, otherwise, it usually generates other problems, like algal bloom, that removes the oxygen from the water, creating a dead-zone. In the video, we can see a massive amount of red or brown algae as a byproduct of the fertilizer applied.

Our technology is working on completely different pathways. It does not bother the environment, organic, and does not require the application of any additional chemical agent. The organic enzyme works by itself and biodegrades the toxic oil. Scientific test with data proves its efficacy (below) and there is a detailed comparison between the conventional cleanup methods and our technology (below). At the end of the process, the enzyme is also biodegraded itself and there is no harmful residual left behind.

Enzymatic Organic Biological degradation of Toxic Oil

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of chemicals that occur naturally in coal, crude oil, and gasoline. It is the most toxic remaining chemical compound after an oil spill, it stays in Nature for decades, poisoning and acidifies the environment. Long-term health effects of exposure to PAHs may include cataracts, kidney and liver damage, and jaundice. Repeated skin contact to the PAH naphthalene can result in redness and inflammation of the skin. Breathing or swallowing large -amounts of naphthalene can cause the breakdown of red blood cells. Another toxic hydrocarbon compound is the BTEX (benzene-toluene-ethylbenzene-xylenes). BTEX is a dangerous environmental pollutant and also dangerous for humans.

Enzymatic Biodegradation vs. Bioremediation

There is a huge difference between our biodegradative organic enzyme green technology and other conventional bioremediation methods that usually used after an oil spill occurs. Conventional bioremediation uses microorganisms, microbes, plants (phytoremediation), and fungi (mycoremediation). In this process, the efficacy and effectiveness mainly depend on such conditions as PH, temperature, moisture, oxygen abundance, nutrient availability, soil composition, and pollutant structure, for the desired organism or biological pathway to facilitate reactions. This is the reason, why it is really difficult to reach a high efficacy rate when all of the circumstances are matching to get the best result. But the main problem with those types of bioremediations is their mechanism of action. The bioremediation microorganisms will find food sources in the hydrocarbons while they grow and that is the way how they get the effect. To get that point, harmful chemical pollutants, such as nitrogen, phosphorous have to be applied, as “fertilizer” to support their growth. But it usually generates other problems in the environment, like algae growth (it happened last time in Mauritius). Algae remove the oxygen and may format a dead zone in the aquatic environment.

Enzymatic Biodegradation with Ensynox is different, it is less sensitive to the conditions because it is working in a systematic way. Most importantly, there is no required other chemical to applied, the enzyme is working by itself. We do have a high volume of research and laboratory testing with data, that shows, once the biodegradation process started, it will be finished with almost the complete reduction of the harmful substances, toxins, and bacteria. After the decontamination process is done, the enzyme biodegrades itself, and there is no harmful residual left behind.

Introducing organic enzymes to clean up and biologically degrade oil spill

Ensynox organic enzyme has demonstrated its effectiveness in the cleaning and decontamination of soil. It is an organic solution that has been developed to deal with environmental pollution, as well as several types of soil contaminations to the strictest environmental standards in line with US, EU or World standards and regulations.

Concerning our ENSYNOX enzyme innovative product:

  • Organic product of natural origin
  • Nanoscience and nanotechnology
  • Cost-effective solution
  • Human and environmentally friendly
  • Does not have an irritant effect on the human and animal body (skin, eyes, respiratory system)
  • Non-toxic, PH neutral, no adverse effects on either the human or animal organism or the environment
  • No bacteria, no viruses, not a hazardous substance
  • Reduces the risk of future health issues caused by chemical toxins
  • Transforms oil, PAHs, toxins, and chemicals into harmless, neutral material in a biodegradation process
  • Supports and speeds up the regeneration processes of the aquatic and soil environment
  • Breaks down oils, fats (lipase), carbohydrates (amylase), proteins (protease), vegetable fiber (cellulase), chemicals
  • Not only destroys but keeps out harmful biological organisms
  • Not sensitive even to highly toxic compounds (arsenic, cyanide)
  • Provides a long-term solution, it is a systematic process
  • Laboratory tested (A+++)
  • Also works together in synergy with bioremediation agent powder
  • Invention origin: Europe
  • Ensynox enzymatic technology fuels The Poseidon-Projects and the environmental and climate impact protection program managed by OnEarth MissionX.

Oil spill mitigation using organic technologies 

webinar hosted by the Biodiversity Conservation Foundation India

September 27, 2020.


video introducing the difference between conventional oil spill cleanup technologies and our green, organic technology


introducing our technology in tabletop settings to give the picture regarding the hydrophobe status and absorbing capacity

Why using enzymes, microbes to clean contamination is good for us and nature

When the oil layer emulsifies, resulting in an oil/water mixture, then it is very hard to clean up with traditional methods. The first step is always the physical clean up as soon as possible, booms, skimmers, vacuums, pumps are very important because the majority of the oil can be cleaned up. But with the emulsification, the biological pollution has started.
This is the reason, why organic matters, biological agents, biodegradation, and bioremediation methods are so important. Rough estimates indicate, at past large oil spills, BP oil spill the spilled oil recovered in 25% (3% skimming, 17% siphoning at the wellhead, 5% from burning), Exxon Valdez recovered at the rate of 14%. All of the rest. All of the rest polluted, poisoned the environment.

  • Oil, fat pollution and petroleum products: heavy oil, silicone oils, crude oil, fuels, gasoline, petrol, kerosene such as oil derivatives
  • Complete cleanup biologically degrades the pollution and provides a fast visible, and measurable result.

The technique works by making use of the natural ability of certain microorganisms to break down toxic compounds using enzymes. Enzymes are molecules present in these microorganisms that do the job of breaking down pollutants into non-toxic compounds, essentially getting rid of them by eating them.
Possibly considered one of the most inert and harmless of environmental clean-up techniques due to its use of near-natural processes, various techniques of bioremediation have gained considerable attention both in academic circles as well as with the public.

Source: Down To Earth magazine


  • Testing, Testings, Testings

    There are always oil spill cleanup specialists, scientists who give their expertise regarding the cleanup methods and techniques that can be used at each oil spill because it can be varied, depends on the material spilled and the circumstances. But nobody can be an expert in something they do not know, and our technology is our invention they do not know because we invented it. We always offer testings to proving: our technology is effective, cost-effective, it does not harm the environment but brings a solution, regenerates, and remediates the environment in a timely manner. Not for decades. It is always worth to give a try for a natural, organic solution, instead of non-organic chemicals that harm the environment. This is our creed. Our Technology provides complete Bio-Remediation in a way the world has never seen before. The applied solution itself is also biodegradable. After the oil neutralized, there is no harmful residual left behind. Test it. Our technology is working based on the science and the principles of common biology. Further, confidential information is available for qualified and identified parties. Contact us at office@ensynox.com

  • Supporting Local Economies

    The manufacturing technology of our products leaves the opportunity to produce the materials we use at the place where we use. Our technology consists of a complete solution package that is adaptable to any disaster area’s abilities to HEAL the actual problems. We promote building manufacturing and Eco-engineering institutes, supply chains locally to provide a booming infrastructure for the Healing process and for maintaining the Environment in a Healthy state for times to come.  The “mobile factory” we stand up on the site gives jobs to locals and support the Local Governments and local economy during the complete cleanup and bioremediation process. This period can be a few months up to one year. Depends on the local circumstances, there is always the opportunity to establish a standard factory to provide supply not just for the Country, but for the region. The components of our technology, the calcium-rich bioremediation agent powder, and the organic enzyme always can be used in Nature from time to time, improving the quality of the aquatic or soil environment. Our make-sense Natural Solutions are Vital in every Economy, especially, where the Healthy Environment is the Base for the majority of the Revenue through Tourism and Commerce. The created infrastructure would further help the current and future generations in the affected Regions.

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