We provide not just functional food, complete protein, and essential amino acids. We provide increased nutritional value, and a regenerative powerhouse, with the wisdom of earthworms in the food industry.
Ensynox (Ex) is a think-outside-the-box technology in many aspects.
As a new generation of alternative proteins, a new class and new category which is very different from the generally known animal-based proteins. We offer Ensynox organic enzyme for food production. It is food grade and food safe. Ensynox is a pure organic protein, produced by and derived from a special combination of selected earthworms. The final product is among the healthiest and best and most complex proteins.
Here are some key points to remember:
1. We do not harm the animals, they survive the manufacturing process, and we reuse the same stocks over and over again. This is very different, because animal-based protein in the food industry usually end with the death of animals.
2. Ensynox is complete protein, contains all nine essential amino acids. It is not a synthetic or cultured enzyme from laboratory. It is from natural origin.
3. Ensynox is edible, there is no harm to humans nor animals, you can drink it. It is odorless, tasteless, watery-state liquid that serves as an excellent protein source with high nutritional value.. After the harvest a purification process takes place and prepare the enzyme protein for human consumption.
4. It can be utilized and added as a protein ingredient in various food production process.
5. Ensynox promotes a balanced microbiome in humans, animals, and living organisms.
6. It offers health benefits as a functional ingredient, such as reducing inflammation as a pre- and probiotic protein, aiding in detoxification, enhancing biochemical reactions, boosting the immune system, and supporting regeneration, rejuvenation processes..
7. Ensynox is a great additive for vegan products for two main reasons. First, it is not connected to killing animals, so it's animal-friendly. Second, plant-based proteins often lack essential amino acids, but by adding Ensynox liquid enzyme, the nutritional value of any plant-based protein product is enhanced.
8. With all of this, since Ensynox can be produced without limitations of the volume, it has the potential to serve humanity as a super-food ingredients and improve the nutritional value at a large scale.
9. Ensynox can be used not only as an additive but also to develop individual products under different brands.
We are at the forefront of discovering how humanity can progress towards a more sustainable future, with food production being a crucial aspect of this. Our innovative technology and products for the alternative protein market are not available anywhere else. We are using living earthworm enzyme culture, which is one of the most effective and complete proteins. We are pioneers because no one else has the know-how and technology to produce it, especially not in scalable volume. While leading food tech companies are currently focused on plant and animal-based proteins, there is a growing demand for more sustainable and healthier food options in the food sector. As a result, the development of future key ingredients is crucial in making this happen. Ensynox enzyme is poised to play a significant role not only in agricultural food production but also as a vital ingredient in many other processed foods.
What is Ensynox in the food market?
Ensynox nanotechnology is a versatile solution that benefits not only regenerative agriculture and organic farming, but also a broad spectrum of food industry and production as both an
ingredient and a
biotechnology. Animal-produced enzymes have a higher efficacy compared to plant-based enzymes, and earthworms are the best, therefore, Ensynox offers an outstanding solution to the alternative protein industry. Ensynox can be added to any food to increase its value and healthiness.
Ensynox, a nature-based enzyme and pure organic protein, is derived from a specialized combination of selected earthworms that survive the manufacturing process. This allows for the regular production of significant volumes of the enzyme in various concentrates to support large-scale production and product development. Enzymes, when used as a functional food, enhance the nutritional value and promote the production of healthier products in the food industry, which help in the regeneration of the body as well.
The active or passive form of Ensynox can be added to almost all foods, particularly those already containing protein or probiotic ingredients, to provide health benefits.
It depends on many factors like age, weight, gender, etc. Typically, 0.8g per kilogram of body weight is necessary to take (e.g. 64g of protein needs to be taken for an average of 80kg person as a recommended daily value of protein intake). Single products containing protein typically contain various amounts of proteins. Some of them are on the lower side with 6-10g of protein, while others contain more, like 20-30g.
Yes, earthworms are a valuable source of protein that may offer benefits in different ways to the human body. However, we are discussing the use of the protein they produce without causing harm to the earthworms. The animals remain alive, and we utilize the protein enzymes they produce in food production.
The enzyme produced by earthworms is a high-quality protein that is essential for building, maintaining, repairing, and prolonging almost all cells and tissues in the body. This may be the reason why their enzymes show efficacy in scientific research, reducing inflammation, increasing antioxidant capacity, and promoting cell regeneration, as well as potentially being effective in cancer treatments.
Earthworm extracts have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In addition to the enzyme, earthworm extracts also contain healthy fats, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and calcium.
It is a logical pathway. Both digestive enzymes and probiotics are affect digestion, but quite different and have various effects on gut health. Probiotic bacteria are live organisms that make up the good bacteria contingent in your gut system. However, they cannot break down or digest food components. Enzyme proteins do. They complement each other: Digestive enzymes improve the digestive processes, while probiotics maintain a healthy digestive environment that supports the work of the enzymes. Insufficient levels of either one can harm the balance of gut health.
For instance, when we come across yogurt containing live active cultures such as L. bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei, S. thermophilus, etc., it helps to improve gut health by maintaining the balance between good and bad bacteria. Since the product contains living organisms, it needs to be refrigerated. Ensynox organic enzyme is a protein with a living enzyme culture that requires refrigeration. However, the mechanism of the enzyme differs significantly, as it regulates and catalyzes processes at the cellular level in the body, and it is more effective in an environment prepared by live active bacteria cultures. Therefore, enzymes and bacteria may work together in synergy, benefiting the body from their combined effects.
Digestive enzyme supplements may appear safe because enzymes are naturally produced by the body, but taking them may carries some risks. Many digestive supplements come in pill or tablet form, so most of their side effects occur in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. You may experience a variety of side effects. This is why it's better to use effective enzyme ingredients in liquid form, such as Ensynox.
Earthworms produce many enzymes, including digestive enzymes, hydrolases, and other enzymes:
• Digestive enzymes: These enzymes include amylase, cellulase, chitinase, invertase, lipase, protease, urease, and acid and alkaline phosphatase. Earthworms and gut microflora work together to produce these enzymes, which play a key role in digesting organic matter in soil and humifying it.
• Hydrolases: These include glycoside hydrolases and peptide hydrolases.
• Other enzymes: These include lumbrokinase, which is a fibrinolytic enzyme that has therapeutic potential for dissolving blood clots, reducing platelet aggregation, and lowering blood viscosity. Earthworms also produce GSTs, which neutralize pesticides and other metabolic by-products.
• Bloating and Gas: One of the earliest signs of digestive enzyme deficiency is bloating and excessive gas. ...
• Indigestion: Difficulty digesting food, characterized by feelings of fullness, discomfort, and heaviness after meals, is a common sign of enzyme deficiency.
Each cell in the human body contains thousands of enzymes. Enzymes provide help with facilitating chemical reactions within each cell.
Since they are not destroyed during the process, a cell can reuse each enzyme repeatedly.
Enzymes provide support for many important processes within the body. Some examples include:
• The digestive system: Enzymes help the body break down larger complex molecules into smaller molecules, such as glucose, so that the body can use them as fuel.
• DNA replication: Each cell in the body contains DNA. Each time a cell divides, the cell needs to copy its DNA. Enzymes help in this process by unwinding the DNA coils.
• Liver enzymes: The liver breaks down toxins in the body. To do this, it uses a range of enzymes the facilitate the process of destroying the toxins.
Other activities enzymes help with include:
• hormone production
• cell regulation
• creating movement to make the muscle contract
• transporting materials around a cell
• respiration
• signal transduction
Thousands of enzymes in the human body exist to perform around 5,000 different functions. A few examples include:
• Lipases: This group of enzymes help digest fats in the gut.
• Amylase: In the saliva, amylase helps change starches into sugars.
• Maltase: This also occurs in the saliva, and breaks the sugar maltose into glucose.
• Trypsin: These enzymes break proteins down into amino acids in the small intestine.
• Lactase: Lactase breaks lactose, the sugar in milk, into glucose and galactose.
• Acetylcholinesterase: These enzymes break down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in nerves and muscles.
• Helicase: Helicase enzymes unravel DNA.
• DNA polymerase: These enzymes synthesize DNA from deoxyribonucleotides.
Enzymes play a significant role in the day-to-day functioning of the human body. They work by combining molecules to initiate chemical reactions and function most effectively at specific pH levels and temperatures.
They play a vital role in the proper functioning of the digestive system, the nervous system, muscles, and more. During stressful periods, the body processes protein less efficiently, requiring a higher intake to maintain a healthy balance. Elderly individuals particularly require more protein to preserve muscle mass and strength, bone health, and other essential physiological functions, as well as to maintain a healthy gut system and organ function.
Therefore, humans need to consume healthy, complex, and essential proteins in the products they consume. This is where earthworm-produced enzymes come into play. The enzymes derived from earthworms assist in detoxification, digestion, and cellular regeneration processes, boost the immune system, and act as potent antioxidants—qualities that are essential for human health. On top of it, it also contains necessary vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and calcium.
The manufacturing process is also animal-friendly since the product does not come from the worms' deceased bodies. Instead, the essential liquid is continuously produced by the earthworms, which is then purified for human consumption.
Earthworm-derived enzymes possess remarkable decontamination, detoxification, antibacterial, and regenerative properties, enabling living earthworms to transform toxic soil into fertile land. Earthworm enzyme engineers not just the soil, but any environment, decontaminate bad bacteria and balance microbiome for the better. Leveraging this natural process, our innovative technology harnesses the liquid formula of this living enzyme culture, which matches the efficacy of the original. With this, Ensynox offers enhanced application and utilization in a holistic approach not just in agriculture, but it provides safe solutions in the food industry.
Utilization: Agriculture; Food production; Environmental; Carbon Management/CCS (soil carbon). Ensynox offers a range of formulas designed to support various tasks related to regeneration processes.
Ensynox improves soil quality and fertility in agriculture at an unprecedented rate, leading to increased crop volume, healthier plants, and faster maturation. It also significantly reduces the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. Moreover, it decreases the harmful chemical content in agricultural and processed food, benefiting human health. Additionally, Ensynox helps reduce biological pollution and overfertilization, contributing to planetary health by natural biodegradation of harmful and hazardous substances. In food product development, Ensynox protein can be utilized in probiotic products that require refrigeration, or its passive formula enhances the nutritional value of various products.
What is the state of Ensynox?
After the manufacturing process, the concentrated harvested enzyme needs to be diluted. The final product is a golden-colored odorless liquid with pH 7.4 (neutral) which has the taste and smell of water. Ensynox is edible, not just harmless to humans and animals, but supports regeneration and balance in living organisms. A functional food contains multifunctional enzymes, lipase, protease, amylase, cellulase, trace elements, minerals, and vitamins.
The science behind Earthworms enzymes
The tests that formed the basis for the product's development and demonstrated the enzyme's ability to remove contamination, toxic and bacterial substances, as well as its regenerative capacity, are the outcomes of hundreds of research tests and analyses. Additionally, we have conducted our own tests, certified by a third party, to verify the properties that are important for human health and the environment.
You may be amazed at how Ensynox (Ex) offers solutions for various problems in different industries. Such as agriculture and food production for human or animal consumption, it additionally addresses environmental issues related to biological pollution, which can cause ecological damage to nature, living beings, and vegetation.
The secret is, that there is no secret, only natural decontamination, and regeneration capabilities that do the job, in an enzymatic biological degradation.
The effectiveness of the enzyme is attributed to its mechanism of action.
Ensynox is available in various formulations and can neutralize hazardous chemical substances through enzymatic biological degradation, including heavy metals, while still being safe for consumption.
The natural decontamination, detoxification, and antibacterial capabilities of earthworms contribute to safe cleanup processes. Moreover, Ensynox's overall regeneration and rejuvenation capabilities improve the immune system, provide necessary proteins, and contribute to its applications in agriculture and the food industry.
OnEarth MissionX LLC
9040 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 USA
877-ENSYNOX (877-367-9669
Sunshine Green Environmental Services LLC