Ensynox Enzyme is a nature-based harmless chemical substance that engineers and balances chemical statuses in different environments including planetary and living organisms.
Living organisms contain enzymes. Actually, our bodies use about 75,000 of them to help perform different tasks such as metabolism or breathing, digesting, and many other functions.
It is a pure organic compound that has an excellent effect on cleaning, decontaminating and regeneration processes.
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Generally, nanoparticles of enzymes show their enhanced activity, because of higher surface area, better stability, and biocompatibility (Chandra S.Pundir, Emeritus Scientist-CSIR, Department of Biochemistry).
Ensynox enzymes as nanotechnology are extracted from a winner combination of selected earthworms, mainly the special “Eisenia Foetida” species. The special diet, method of production, and technology are the manufacturer’s secrets. At the end of the production, the different earthworm species create synergy, which means they and enhance each other’s strength and build up momentum. The end product of Ensynox enzyme is an edible pure protein that neutralizes harmful chemical toxins, bacteria, and oil-based substances in a biodegradation process that also enables soil regeneration.
Ensynox Proteins as Natural Pre+Pro and Antibiotics is a perfect source to find solutions for various environmental problems. We formulated various formulas of Ensynox for several environmental problems to include the following:
Ensynox is human-friendly, not just eco-friendly. This enzyme, due to being purely organic, can help you avoid most of the harmful effects of other traditional cleaning materials that could cause you health issues in the future.
All known enzymes are proteins. They are high molecular weight compounds made up principally of chains of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.
Not only at the scientific level, but also at the level of everyday life, we are well aware of the importance of proteins in maintaining the health and development of living organisms.
Earthworms that feed and depend on microbes, litter, and grit present in soil should contain a battery of enzymes. Earthworm castings are known to be a rich source of plant growth-promoting substances viz., growth hormones, enzymes, and vitamins.
Earthworm castings also contain a number of beneficial microorganisms, nitrogen-fixing, phosphorous solubilizing, and cellulose decomposing organisms, which help in improving soil productivity. Earthworms have an in-house supply of enzymes like Nitrate reductase, acid phosphatase, and alkaline phosphatase, which are involved in the metabolism of nitrogen and phosphate materials present in the compost. The earthworms also speed up the composting process and transform wastes into nutrient-rich castings with the help of enzymes.
But the earthworm enzyme serves more than just composting; it also regulates the natural ecological balance and microbial content of the soil, as well as life processes through its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and regenerating properties.
The toxin-neutralizing, antibacterial, and general regenerative abilities of earthworms are well known. They have been used by gardeners to clean the soil and improve its fertility, and Chinese medicine has been using their active ingredient for thousands of years, in some cases as a straight medicine.
But besides the earthworms’ amazing capabilities, there may be a problem with them. Living earthworms may ruin the structure of the soil (invasive worms), and if we put them in the water they will drown. Therefore, we cannot use them, in environmental applications. But having the liquid formula of their active ingredients, we do not use living earthworms, just their healing enzymes, that gives the potential and capability to cure problems in aquatic and soil environments, even on plants (disease, bacteria, etc.).
Having the IP, we have the capability of producing a large volume of it serving large-scale projects, and during the production process, the earthworms survive of course.
We are the exclusive producer and distributor of this amazing product and are dedicated to providing a clean environment through biodegradation and decontamination using a very unique technology.
Now we are bringing this scientific breakthrough to our daily lives to provide an additional positive option for enhancing personal healthcare.
The organic Ensynox enzyme is a pure protein that has been produced in the European Union since 2002.
There are thousands of scientific research sources available about the earthworms’ ability and the power of enzymes We used and studied them throughout the perfection process of Ensynox.
The invention is based on a ‘living enzyme culture’ which works as a pollution-handling system. Through a series of tests and extensive research, the inventor developed a product that has an amazingly positive impact on many forms of decontamination, as it can eliminate and neutralize harmful chemical compounds and pollutants. Ensynox has been demonstrated to be an excellent agent in the elimination of harmful chemical elements. Several laboratory tests unequivocally prove the effectiveness of the enzyme worldwide in a range of decontamination projects (references from Venezuela, Paraguay, France, China, Spain, Hungary, USA, Mongolia, etc.)
The living cell is the site of tremendous biochemical activity called metabolism. This is the process of chemical and physical change that goes on continually in the living organism. The greatest majority of these biochemical reactions do not take place spontaneously. Enzymes as a katalisator make possible biochemical reactions necessary for all life processes. The catalysts of biochemical reactions are enzymes and are responsible for bringing about almost all of the chemical reactions in living organisms. Without enzymes, these reactions take place at a rate far too slow for the pace of metabolism. All known enzymes are proteins.
A common principle of any pollution handling system is the biochemical, enzymatic transformation of harmful elements, such as chemical residues, into benign, harmless, environmentally friendly materials. Ensynox consists of enzymes produced from microorganisms and from live, specially selected, bacterial stocks that generate and support the regeneration processes.
The resulting enzyme that we produce consists of a set of proteins produced by living organisms. The enzyme’s function is very specific from the perspective of biodegradability, particularly considering the circumstances in which they work most efficiently. That is, specific enzymes are needed for various materials and for treating different harmful elements.
We specifically use the enzyme to eliminate the harmful effects on surfaces and on the air pollution caused by residual chemicals.
Our living culture enzyme, amongst other elements, contains the four most important enzyme types:
The significance of the living culture enzyme lies in its wide range of application options and outcomes. followed by its utilization and use. As a technology, it is actually a family of enzyme solutions capable of handling the most common pollutants and chemicals types (except heavy metals) in such a way that both the enzyme and the neutralized pollutants are transformed into environmentally friendly bi-products.
Our enzyme has been proven to be effective (by independent accredited laboratories) in eliminating harmful chemical materials such as DDT or PCB.
There are other types of harmful elements, such as algae, that the Ensynox product line is able to handle and decontaminate in the aquatic environment.
OnEarth MissionX LLC
9040 Town Center Parkway Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 USA
877-ENSYNOX (877-367-9669
Sunshine Green Environmental Services LLC